Miracle Healings

"Many Christian and Hindu Saints have cured people through their own faith" says Swami Vishwananda.
So many healings occured through the prayers of Swami Vishwananda.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The sciatic problem of dad healed by Swami Vishwananda

During the year 2001 my dad had a sciatic problem and had to stay in bed. Swami Vishwananda was in the country as my elder sister’s wedding was to take place during that time. Swami Vishwananda took some oil and massaged my father’s whole leg and soon he was able to walk again. Since then my dad has had no further trouble with his leg.
by Yogeshini - Mauritius

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Healing of a cancerous tumour through Swami Vishwananda

During Swami Vishwananda’s first visit to the United States in Boulder in 2005, someone gave Swami Vishwananda a photo to bless, saying the woman in the picture’s name was Margaret and that she would be having surgery for a cancerous tumour the following day. When the next day arrived, they opened her up to find her tumour gone. All they found was a little infection where Margaret’s tumour had been.